Installation meeting of Liverpool University Mark Lodge No1062
Liverpool University Mark Lodge No1062, who now meets at The Athenaeum Club in Liverpool, held their Installation meeting on Monday 20th February.  Representing the RW Provincial Grand Master was VWBro David Anderton. 
The meeting was also attended by WBro Steve Walls, the PGM’s Special Rep for the Liverpool area.  Unfortunately it was a poor turnout for the members of the Lodge, but with willing visitors filling the missing offices the Worshipful Master WBro Dave Roberts opened the Lodge at 18.00.
Once open the first item was an In Memoriam for two stalwart members of Liverpool University Mark Lodge; WBro Prof Jim Alty and WBro Dr David Karsa.   The eulogy was given WBro John Ryan.  John had known both men for some considerable time and so it was a very person and enlightening account of their careers in the Mark Degree.  The brethren then stood to honour Departed Merit.
With the salutations completed, the next task for the acting DC, WBro Derek Gaskell was to present the Master Elect, WBro John. D. Ryan to the Worshipful Master WBro Dave Roberts for the benefit of installation.  WBro Roberts carried out a fine ceremony, which was enjoyed by all those in attendance.  WBro John Ryan always does the presentation of the Keystone Jewel to the New Master and at one point; John had considered presenting the jewel to himself.  However on this occasion WBro Derek Gaskell did the presentation of the jewel. 
After the offices had been appointed; WBro Dave Roberts gave a fine address to the Master and this was followed by an equally fine address by VWBro David Anderton to the Brethren.  With the ceremony complete, VWBro David Anderton congratulated WBro John Ryan on behalf of the PGM on taking the chair of University Mark Lodge for the first time.  John had been the long time DC of the Lodge but never gone through this particular chair.  VWBro Anderton also congratulated WBro Roberts on his fine ceremony.  The Worshipful Master then presented a cheque to the PGM’s representative for charity.
The Lodge was then closed in due form and it was then time for dinner.   In a humorous response to the toast to Grand Offices VWBro David Anderton reminded the Master that Provincial Grand Lodge to be held at the Winter Gardens, in Blackpool will be a little early this year on 27th April.  We wish WBro John Ryan and Liverpool University Mark Lodge a successful year.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell